Keep it real: Part 1

How many times have you found yourself laughing at something that to you really isn’t funny, or over committing your time because you want to try to do everything. If this is something that you do then you are not alone. We often try to hide who we really are by trying to fit in or as they say “be normal”. The big question is what really is normal? It generally mean to conform to a standard or what is common. But what is ‘common’ may not necessarily be what you like or who you are.

As long as we keep doing things just to conform, we will never really be true and honest with ourselves and this can destroy who we really are. Unless we take steps now to “keep it real”, we would never live the full and happy potential of our lives.

Things such as how we eat, what we eat, the exercise we do, where and how we exercise or even when to retire are things that we need to sit and consider carefully. These decisions not only affect us now but our whole life.

Why “live like the Robinsons’ when you can be you. Stop comparing. Everyones physical and financial situation is different. There may be a retirement age but this may not work for you. Some live a happier and more fulfilling life while working.

Some people do not believe in the healing power or traditional use of coconut oil and may dissuade or criticise you for using such. The facts and end results speak for itself. Feel free to express your opinions about your likes or dislikes even if most don’t agree. Time continues to evolve and so does the opinion of others. We may have always heard the saying of never lying to a child, but some may justify that in some situations we may need to. Do you have an opinion on this, or do you simply go along with the general consensus?

We do not want to become so good at hiding parts of ourselves that we don’t realise a part is gone until what is left is emptiness. This is not surprising as it’s something that we all do. There are times when we suffer from insecurities and in the process we self sabotage ourselves.

Some self searching is needed. We can ask ourselves the following:

Do you find yourself saying yes to almost everything when sometimes all you really want to say is no
Do you also feel as if you are just going through the motion of life and that you are a fraud
Lastly, do you hide parts of yourself that you feel undesirable just to keep your friends.

If you answered yes to some or any of these, then now is your time to do some self searching. Take some time out and keep it real.

In part 2 of this article we will show you how to accept the life you have.

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