Keep it Real: Part 5, Live and Achieve your Greatest Potential

Life is full of surprises but we should never allow these to push us down to the point where we cannot recover from the unwelcome surprise or trauma.

For the last few weeks we focused on the importance of keeping true to ourselves, accepting our current situation and educating ourselves in order to make positive changes.

These articles were designed to help us change our current mindset as this is required for us to live our best life possible.

It is purely up to us to find the true source of our happiness and it is also up to us to take the necessary steps needed in order to maintain it.

Here are a few things that are essential for our happiness and well being.

Find the positive in everything that you do. Better will come once you keep looking. At times this may be difficult to do, but if we don’t look for the positive, these negative thoughts will stunt our ability to grow and make progress.

Feed your subconscious being. A person will always be able to think clearly when they remember where they came from and where they would like to go. This requires work, as honest, loyal and truthful people will not always have these qualities unless they nurture them. Our deepest inner being, (that which controls our mind and emotions) needs to be fed. This may come in the form of reading a spiritual book or associating with others who hold highly the same values that we cherish.

Never compromise who you are and remain true to your goals and dreams.

Because of busy work schedules many with excess weight or obesity issues find it hard to get a proper health and exercise routine in place. Do not dismay as minimal changes are required, but consistency is the key. Start by replacing your cooking oil with extra virgin coconut oil and start taking daily walks. It could be as simple as walking your dog.

Take a break from the hassle of a city life and draw strength from nature. The clear crisp air can give you the time and space needed to think constructively about your life.

Improve your natural intuitive ability. We all at some time had something that we call our “gut feeling”. Most times when we ignore this feeling, the consequences are hurtful and disastrous. To enhance the ability to recognise these prodding, we can do a simple test. Write down when we experienced this feeling and what the consequences were. In time you will be able to effectively recognise this feeling and take the necessary steps to avoid danger.

Lastly, give freely. The art of giving encourages a feeling of peace and inner contentment. This giving does not always have to be with money, but you can volunteer your time and skills to help others. Nothing can be compared to the feeling of helping others. If you’re already doing this well done, if not don’t wait any longer. Start now and enjoy the happiness that comes with it.

Being true to yourself takes a lot of work, but it starts by knowing who you are and where you are going. Once these two are known, the rest of the journey is easy.

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