Tasty Lentil Dhal Soup

Lentils are jam packed with protein. They are also extremely low in fat and calories. Another great benefit of lentils is the fact they are versatile and affordable. This soup requires just two cups of orange lentils; with the energy count approximately 230 calories per cup. For each cup of lentils, multiply the water levels by 2.5.

Lentils are high in fibre and help the body to feel full. Cholesterol is necessary for brain health, but the wrong types of cholesterol – low-density lipoproteins (LDL) – can be hazardous to heart health. Coconut oil helps to support the intake of the healthy cholesterol – high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Lentils contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre binds to carbohydrates and slows down their release into the body, while insoluble fibre supports the digestive system and prevents constipation.

This soup will serve four people.


  • 2 mugs of orange lentils
  • 5 mugs of boiling water
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin organic coconut oil
  • 6 tablespoons of dried or fresh coriander
  • 2 teaspoons of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed chillies
  • 1 tablespoon of madras curry powder
  • 3 cloves of garlic


  1. Add the lentils and water to the pan. Add the turmeric.
  2. Leave to simmer on a medium heat for approximately 20 minutes, or until the lentils have absorbed most of the water, but there is still a small amount of liquid remaining.
  3. Gather the fresh or dried coriander, sea salt, cumin seeds, crushed chillies, garlic, and madras curry powder in a cup.
  4. Melt the organic coconut oil in a small saucepan.
  5. Fry the mixture in the coconut oil for 30 seconds stirring all the time until it’s formed a deliciously scented paste.
  6. Add to the lentils and stir well.
  7. Serve immediately.
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