Truth or Old Maids Tale; Lose 2 stones in 1 month!

Surveys taken among both the young and old have shown that many are either trying or are considering changing something about themselves. One of the biggest change needed is always with reference to the participants weight. Due to the constant increase seen in the annual obesity figure many in authority remains concerned.

That being said we are also constantly bombarded with health tips and ideas which are mostly designed to get you to spend your money. Many have genuine excuses as to why a healthy exercise routine can’t be maintained but with a little persistence it can be incorporated as a part of your schedule. The media glamorises the rich and famous, showing you amazing weight lose stories that leave you wondering if it is possible. The Answer to such a question is a resounding YES.

Beyoncé did it, so did Mariah Carey and the recent celebrity mom Kim Kardashian. They all have their own weight lose secrets but in the end they achieved the same results, the long desired celebrity body.

So whether it is a special event you’re planning for or simply to improve your image it can be done.

Here are some tips that are healthy and does not entail starving yourself.

Tip 1- Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and starches such as flour, rice and potatoes. Substitute these for lots of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, cabbage, carrots or any other vegetable that can come to mind. These are all very filling and healthy. Should you be able to eliminate the carbs and starches altogether the better.

Tip 2- Stay away from sodas and concentrated juices. Drink as much water as you can.

Tip 3- Cook with Extra Virgin coconut oil. This gives the food a great taste and helps keep the metabolism going.

Tip 4- Start a high intensity cardio workout. This burns the fat faster than you think. This routine twice a day will definitely do the trick.

Fruits and vegetables can get very boring after a while but keep your meals fun by trying these low fat barbecue options. Click on this link: LOW FAT BBQ OPTIONS. For desert you can try the humble apple pie recipe. It’s naturally sweet and low in calories. APPLE PIE BENEFITS.

On cheat days you can try this lovely chicken and spinach curry recipe. CHICKEN AND SPINACH CURRY RECIPE.

There are also some fantastic picnic food ideas that you can try. Click here to see more: HEALTHY PICNIC FOOD IDEAS.

These tips will keep your monthly exercise and meals fun assuring you the required results. Most importantly always remember to have fun.

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