Secret of Coconut Oil Cleansing, Your Skin is Screaming For It.

One of the best known secrets that the skincare industry never seem to promote in the magazines, newspapers, or through the TV is that oil is the best way to break down dirt and debris in the skin. Coconut Oil cleansing is the best and most cost effective. If you visit a pharmacist or department store you will notice hundreds of skin care products, from cleansers and toners to oil-free moisturisers and face masks. Are the ingredients natural? Can you pronounce the long-winded names of the specific ingredients? What happened to treating the skin with natural products? Why do we rely on so many chemical produce to cleanse and moisturise our skin? Is it helping in the obsession to create youthful skin?

The Coconut Oil Cleansing Method

One skin care method known to alleviate dry skin, support the healthy pH of the skin, and effectively remove dirt and grease, is known as oil cleansing. Put simply, a small amount of oil is applied to the face and then wiped off with a hot muslin cloth or flannel. This treatment is so effective that it has the power to treat congested skin. Some people recommend the use of caster oil, although coconut oil is another good option.

Method For Use

  1. Apply a small amount of oil (any oil is fine) to the face and neck. Leave it to soak into the skin for several minutes.
  2. Wet a flannel (doubles as an exfoliating cloth) with boiling hot water and place over the face for ten seconds. This will gently steam the face. Wipe away the oil with the flannel. You may notice that your skin looks pink and fresh, while it feels soft and effectively moisturised.
  3. Do not re-use the flannel, as the purpose of the oil cleansing method is to use a clean towel to wipe away the dirt and debris that the oil has broken down.
  4. Regular use of the oil cleaning method will completely change your complexion. You may notice that your skin is naturally radiant and requires less make up or moisturiser.
  5. When you wash your cloths wash at a high temperature to kill bacteria.

To Summarise

It is worthwhile to try natural skin care treatments to cleanse, tone, and moisturise the skin. The oil cleansing method is one of the easiest methods to remove make up. All ingredients are natural, and the flannel doubles as an exfoliating cloth. You are left with fresh youthful skin and clean pores.

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