Treat Fungal and Skin Problems with this Secret Ingredient

There are some oils that are more beneficial than others, and coconut oil is just one of them. Did you know that coconut oil has anti-fungal properties? Therefore, it helps to treat dandruff, psoriasis, athletes foot, and other skin problems. The body converts the anti-fungal lauric acid into monolaurin.

Treating Fungal and Skin Conditions

Coconut oil is non-greasy. You can use it on the face, body, and feet. It may take some months for the immune system to build up a defense against fungal infections, but coconut oil is also beneficial to take internally. Aim to eat two to three teaspoons per day.

Acne sufferers may be afraid of adding oil to the face or body, but the anti-bacterial content of Virgin coconut oil can improve skin conditions. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to the areas of the skin under turmoil. Do not expect miracles overnight, but continue with the treatment. Also take coconut oil internally.

Add coconut oil to a salt or sugar exfoliating scrub. Use approximately two tablespoons of coconut oil. If it’s solid at room temperature, melt it in the microwave for thirty seconds, and then pour it into a dish with the rest of the ingredients. If you have Shea butter available, add a tablespoon of that too. Mix it well and add it into a small pot. Exfoliation is great for stimulating the blood circulation. If you suffer from cellulite, consider adding a teaspoon of fresh ground coffee beans. Caffeine products are used in many toning products.

Cooking With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil adds a delicious flavour when used in cooking. Its can tolerate high temperatures, unlike olive oil, which releases harmful oxidants during very high temperatures. It is especially good for frying spices in for a curry. In addition, it is great to use as an alternative to butter during baking.

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