6 Effective Ways To Keep the Joints Supple

There are many supplements that claim to keep the joints supple, but it is common knowledge that the joints can suffer as the body ages. Regular exercise and stretching and keep the joints pain-free. There some food-types and activities that can help to support excellent joint health.

  • Almonds – Almonds provide much more protein per gram than other raw nut types. They are also packed with Vitamin E, which is great for skin and joint health.
  • Sunflower seeds – Packed with omega-6 fatty acids, sunflower seeds can fight aching and stiff joints.
  • Turmeric – This heavenly spice will add flavour to hot dishes, but it has anti-inflammatory benefits and can ease painful joints.
  • Weight-bearing exercise – Participating in regular exercise that is weight bearing, including walking, jogging, and skipping, strengthens joint health and prevents age degenerative diseases like osteoporosis. Walking improves the metabolism and causes gradual weight loss, and the more excess fat there is in the body, the more the joints feel pressured. Losing weight takes this pressure off the joints. Other effective exercises for weight loss include cycling, spinning, and weight training.
  • Red wine – A plant compound found in red wine, reservatrol, can help to relieve inflamed joints.
  • Broccoli – As a member of the cruciferous family, broccoli is a tasty treat to add to a stir-fry or curry. In addition, broccoli contains the compound, sulforaphane, which greatly supports joint health by blocking the enzyme that can cause it to degenerate.

Taking part in regular exercise, adding anti-inflammatory spices to your meals, and eating nutritious rich vegetables like broccoli can help to keep your joints pain-free.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Elaine Axon

    I told a young Mum friend about turmeric as she had suffered with arthritis for years.She also had bad pesetas is.She was amazed how much better she felt & how her skin condition improved after using turmeric creamed on her skin & taken in food.

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