Get Great Looking Skin With These 4 Food & Drink Sources

Who doesn’t want great looking skin? Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by an unhealthy diet and even dermatologists will confirm this fact. However, food allergies have been linked to acne – think high carbohydrate foods and dairy. The body reacts differently to the consumption of food types, and high sugar foods can destroy collagen, which aids in skin regeneration. If you want great looking skin, consider adding these food and drink types to your diet.

Green tea: This tea is rich in antioxidants and prevents the risk of developing skin cancer and UV skin damage. Avoid drinking the green tea types with added sugar, as the latter causes wrinkling and makes skin look dull and lifeless. Buy fresh, natural green tea for its antioxidant benefits.

Cook on low heat: Foods that have been cooked at a high heat will attach to collagen and destroy the regeneration of skin cells. Healthier ways to cook food to preserve its nutritional benefits includes stewing, poaching, or steaming foods.

Healthy Fish Oils: If you prefer to get your daily dose of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, these are found in salmon, tuna, and mackerel. However, a fish oil supplement will provide you with just as much nutritional goodness. These fish oils help the skin to regain its elasticity and softness. Consider taking just one gram of fish oils per day for three months to improve skin elasticity.

Colourful fruits and vegetables: Try to eat a wide variety of colourful fruits and vegetables including berries, leafy greens, and dark purple fruits/vegetables. These are packed with heart and skin healthy antioxidants that destroy free radicals and can lead to skin wrinkling. The regular consumption of colourful rich foods will provide your skin with the necessary vitamins and minerals to improve the skin’s beauty and leave it looking naturally luminous.

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