The many uses of garlic, here are 16

Garlic is a favourite ingredient in most dishes. For many it’s the spice needed to add the extra “zing” to their dish. The use of garlic is not limited to 2 or 3 but at least 16. Garlic can be used in your favourite dishes as follows:

1. Garlic Spinach Soup
2. Roasted garlic
3. Roasted Garlic Soup
4. Garlic and Herb Croutons
5. Simple Braised Greens with Garlic
6. Roasted Garlic Aioli
7. Garlic Knots
8. Garlic tarts
9. Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic and Thyme
10. Mexican Garlic Soup
11. Five Green Salsa with Garlic and Lime
12. Alice Waters Aioli
13. Garlic and Thyme with Braised Artichokes
14. Salad Dressing with Roasted Garlic
15. Chocolate truffles with Garlic
16. Garlic-Tarragon eggs

To get the recipes CLICK HERE

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