Use Virgin Coconut Oil to Prevent Aging Skin

Individuals, especially women, are prone to think negatively about their age and skin. This is favourable for skincare manufacturers, as they can easily manipulate women into buying a product containing all of these ‘wonderful’ anti-aging ingredients, with a not-so-nice price tag attached. Learn how to use virgin coconut oil to prevent aging skin

Buy Coconut Oil

Nature is Natural

Although many skincare manufacturers are now adding organic ingredients and natural nutrients like coconut oil and shea butter into their products, the price of the item remains much the same. The bulk of a moisturiser or cleanser is the cheap ingredient mineral oil. Although this ingredient is an excellent emollient and prevents skin dryness, it does not give the skin room to breathe. If the skin is unable to breathe, the dirt that collects in the pores could lead to acne or blemishes.

Coconut Oil is Safe

One ingredient that is safe to use on the skin neat is coconut oil. Virgin organic coconut oil can be applied to the hair and skin, eaten to supply energy, and used for cooking. What the skin needs most is a natural ingredient that creates equilibrium. Over cleansing the skin can cause an imbalance to the skin’s natural PH. Coconut can be used as an effective make up remover. Apply a small amount to the skin, even covering the eyelids, allow the oil to penetrate into the skin for thirty seconds, and wipe away with a clean hot flannel. Notice the amount of dirt and make up that is removed

Coconut oil will leave the skin moisturised, fragrant, and free to breathe. In addition, when coconut oil is used as a moisturiser, it contains a natural sun protection factor of 4 to 10 and protects skin in the warmer weather.

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